Rwanda remains a largely agricultural country, and agriculture remains the backbone of the Rwandan economy (MINAGRI, 2006). Agriculture in Rwanda is the main economic activity as it provides employment to about 72% of the labor force, contributes to about 33% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), meets 90% of the national food needs, and generates […]
Ce jeudi 3 mai, Dr. Eric Ndushabandi, Directeur de l’Institut de Recherche et de Dialogue pour la Paix à Kigali (Rwanda) (IRDP), et Dr. Bertrand Hamaide, Vice-Recteur aux Relations internationales de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B), ont signé un accord de coopération entre les deux institutions. Cet accord vise à établir une coopération institutionnelle dans […]
BEYOND TRAUMA? NOTES ON A WORD, A FRAME, AND A DIAGNOSTIC CATEGORY The Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP) in Collaboration with Studies in Historical Trauma and Transformation, Stellenbosch University (South Africa), the Centre for Ethics (University of Zürich), and Violence, Injury and Peace Research Unit (University of South Africa), has the honor […]
IRDP will be co-hosting an Interdisciplinary Symposium, “Historical Trauma and Memory: Living with the Haunting Power of the Past,” which will take place in Kigali, Rwanda from 4-6 April 2018. All are invited to attend the public lecture with esteemed scholar Professor Nancy Rose Hunt, on Thursday 5 April 2018 from 17:30 – 20:00 at […]
A family is the foundation of any society. It is an entity that gives real meaning to life and existence. As such, it constitutes the cornerstone of any social system. A family is not a casual or spontaneous organization of people but a divinely ordained institution. The foundation of a family is based on marriage, […]
TOGETHER FOR PEACE: PROMOTING THE VALUES OF RESPECT AND DIGNITY WITH PEACE IN FAMILIES. September 21st/2017 International Day of Peace The Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP) joined with its partners to celebrate the International Day of Peace that takes place every year at the Rwanda National Parliament. This ceremony kicked off with […]
On September 7th, 2017, Rwandan community and national leaders held a dialogue forum on social cohesion at the Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace at Gisozi. The dialogue forum brought together community members and representatives from the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), Ministry of Local Government, other Government of Rwanda ministries, and the […]
On Tuesday, the Institute for Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP) signed a collaboration agreement with the Université Catholiqeue de Louvain (UCL). This agreement aims to establish institutional collaboration in the field of teaching and scientific research. In this case, the two parties will launch joint research projects, collaborate in capacity building programs, participate in […]
World Learning, School for International Training (SIT) based in Vermont, USA runs study abroad programs in Rwanda for American undergraduate students. Organised into general lectures, the course covers different development issues. SIT Rwanda received 20 students who are in majoring in various disciplines as part of the Study Abroad Program. As part of their experiences, […]
IRDP is implementing a project called “Healing our Community-Promoting Social Cohesion in Rwanda”. During May 2017 IRDP conducted a second quarterly inter-generational dialogues within 8 Districts, via community Dialogue Clubs and Youth Peace Clubs. This event aimed at addressing problems openly, exchanging opinions on conflicts arising around generation gap in understanding genocide ideology concept, meaning, […]