From 5 August to 7 August 2020, the Institute for Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP) hosted the Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) and Changing the Story (CST): Arts-Based Research for Education and Peace-building Conference. The Conference brought together about 40 participants online from around the globe, including the United Kingdom, Colombia, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, […]
The Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP) as a peace building channel, has always been driven by a high passion to educate and involve youth as a future country leading generation in every possible sector but most especially creating in them a spirit of volunteerism. Rwanda just as other developing African countries is […]
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The Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace(IRDP), with Friendrich-Ebert-Stiftung Rwanda (FES) On this Thursday, 27th of February 2020,from 11am-2pm / at IRDP Office, held the second debate on the topic: ”decentralization, local engagement and citizen participation:which role can civil society organizations (CSOs) play ensure inclusive development. IRDP and FES together invited members of parliament, […]
Healing Our Communities: Promoting Social Cohesion in Rwanda was carried out by a partnership of Karuna Center for Peacebuilding, Aegis Trust, Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities, and Institute of Research for Dialogue and Peace. This “People to People” reconciliation activity was funded through USAID’s Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation Programs and Activities (Global Reconciliation Fund). The […]
MAP is a practice-as-research project supported by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) through the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of a larger project entitled Changing the Story: Building Inclusive Societies with and for Young People in 5 Post-Conflict Countries. The aim of MAP is to work with young people, educators, cultural […]
Mobile Arts For Peace – Stakeholder Meeting (Download PDF) MAP Stakeholder pict